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Event Description

American Red Cross Shelter Fundamentals (ARC-SHFUND)

Shelter Fundamentals v2 is a basic level course that introduces the roles and responsibilities for opening, operating and closing a shelter during a disaster. The course focuses on what new shelter workers need to know to work in a shelter.

Each delivery method of this course covers the same content. However, the instructor-led course has participant activities. Participants have the option of choosing the delivery method that is best suited to their learning preferences. This fact sheet describes all delivery methods unless otherwise indicated.

The purpose of this course is to prepare participants for the roles and responsibilities that they will perform at a Red Cross shelter. Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to–

• Explain the Red Cross philosophy and principles of sheltering.
• Identify client needs.
• Describe different types of shelters.
• Identify how a shelter is structured and operates.
• Explain the activities and tasks that take place in shelters.
• Explain the types of work shelter service workers will perform and how to do it.

Employees, volunteers and partners of the Red Cross who want to work in Red Cross shelters.

Date(s)  Thu. Sep 26, 2024 0900-1200 
Location Surry Community College - Surry County
630 S. Main St., Dobson NC 27017 
Google Map
Handicap Accessibility Yes
WiFi Access  
Offered By North Carolina Division of Emergency Management 
Primary Instructor TBD, To Be Determined 
Course Length
Course Hours
Award Credentials
Equivalent Prerequisites
Maximum Participants 30
# Open Seats -4
# on Wait List 0
Attachments Surry Community College Registration   |   |  HelpDesk: 919-825-2574   |  Email NCEM TERMS Helpdesk   |  Email Healthcare TERMS Helpdesk