How do emergency managers and first responders verify inventories, understand the hazards, and build into the emergency operation chemical planning for fixed
facilities? When visiting facilities, what are the items that responders and chemical planners should learn and familiarize themselves with, and common chemical process
maintenance and safety concerns that could trigger additional conversations.
Taking chemical inventories and planning, this course will be in depth training on facility worst and alternative chemical release scenarios, identifying threat zones,
vulnerable populations, how to determine sheltering in place versus evacuation and incorporating this information into chemical annexes and county emergency operation
The chemical planning information will then be applied to hazardous materials responses for both fixed facility and transportation chemical releases. During a hazardous
materials incident, how is the information from chemical inventories and commodity flow studies applied to a chemical release response. What is the role of the responsible
party, responder and emergency managers, cleanup contractors and which agencies will be involved?
Details |
Date(s) |
Tue. Jan 14, 2025 0800-1700
Wed. Jan 15, 2025 0800-1700
Location |
Union County Emergency Services 2258 Concord Avenue, Monroe NC 28110
Google Map
Handicap Accessibility |
WiFi Access |
Offered By |
North Carolina Division of Emergency Management |
Primary Instructor |
Coutoulakis, Emmanuel Stefan |
Additional Instructors |
Robison, Sarah
Course Length |
2 |
Course Hours |
16.00 |
CEUs |
Award Credentials |
Prerequisites |
Equivalent Prerequisites |
Maximum Participants |
30 |
# Open Seats |
30 |
# on Wait List |
0 |
Attachments |