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Event Description

North Carolina Peer Support Training (SMRS0046) (SMRS0046)

Peer Support Training introduces the practice and techniques of first responder psychological first aid as it is provided to first responders by first responders. It is in support of the National Fallen Firefighters’ Foundation’s "Everyone Goes Home" project and the 13th Life Safety Initiative: First responders and their families must have access to counseling and psychological support services. It provides a first round of psycho­-education on responding to first responder behavioral health needs.

The first responder career requires high functioning and emotionally intelligent teams of people who are committed to wellness and excellence. Therefore, first responders need to have a better understanding of mental/behavioral health topics as it affects them both personally and professionally. This program is designed to provide an introductory look at first responder’ needs and experiences and how to start to address those issues via peer support (first responders taking care of each other).

Language English 
Date(s)  Thu. Feb 27, 2025 0830 - 1700 
Fri. Feb 28, 2025 0830 - 1700 
Location Wrightsville Beach Public Safety Training Facility - New Hanover County
3 Bob Sawyer Drive, Wrightsville Beach NC 28480 
Google Map
Handicap Accessibility Yes
WiFi Access  
Offered By Southeastern Healthcare Preparedness Region 
Primary Instructor Peacock, Mo 
Course Length 16 hours 
Course Hours 16.00 
Cost to Student $20.00
Award Credentials
Equivalent Prerequisites
Target Audience Pre-Hospital Providers Firefighters Law Enforcement 
Maximum Participants 30
# Open Seats 11
# on Wait List 3   |   |  HelpDesk: 919-825-2574   |  Email NCEM TERMS Helpdesk   |  Email Healthcare TERMS Helpdesk